Privacy Policy

The Site (hereinafter “the Site“) has been developed by the simplified joint stock company GAC TECHNOLOGY (hereinafter “GAC TECHNOLOGY”), publisher of management software for professional use (hereinafter “the User“).

The User may be asked to transmit personal data (hereinafter “the Data”) by filling in the fields indicated on the Site when requesting contact, registering for personalised demonstration services or web-conferencing.

“You”, “your”, “yours”, “User” or “Visitor” means any natural person who accesses the Site and uses the Service governed by this Privacy Policy.

GAC TECHNOLOGY attaches the utmost importance to the confidentiality of your information and personal data.

For this reason, this privacy policy has been drawn up in compliance with the laws, regulations and standards in force and aims to inform all persons concerned, in a clear, simple and complete way, iparticulary Users, of the manner in which GAC TECHNOLOGY, as data controller, collects and uses data concerning you and from the means available to you to control this use and to exercise your rights relating thereto. It explains what personal data is processed by the Site, how it is processed, by whom and for what purposes.

This Privacy Policy is therefore intended to apply to all persons accessing the Site. The content and data of our Service are also available to ordinary Internet users (“Visitors“).

To use our Services, you must be at least 16 years old; if not, you are not allowed to use our Services.

The Site is hosted exclusively on the datacentres of the company OVH located in France.

The company responsible for processing your personal data is GAC TECHNOLOGY, registered in the Lyon Trade and Companies Register under number 500 168 208.

1.    What personal data is collected

The personal data collected via the Site is the following:

2.    Use of personal data: why is it collected?

The personal data collected from Users is intended to allow the connection of said Users with GAC TECHNOLOGY and the improvement and maintenance of a secure environment for the Site.

Specifically, the uses are as follows:

3.    Sharing of Users’ personal data with GAC TECHNOLOGY’s subcontractors and third-party companies: Who has access to your personal data?

Your data remain the exclusive use of GAC TECHNOLOGY. It may only be disclosed to the recipients listed below insofar as the transmission of said data is essential to the achievement of the purposes listed in 2) above.

The User’s personal data may be shared with GAC TECHNOLOGY’s subcontractors and third-party companies in the context of the hosting and maintenance services of the customer database(s).

These service providers have limited access to the data in the context of the performance of these services and are contractually obliged to use it in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data,

4.    Retention

In accordance with the law, your personal data is kept only for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes mentioned above or to enable GAC TECHNOLOGY to meet its legal obligations.

Thus, the data collected during your contact request is kept for the time necessary to process it.   

Personal data used for commercial prospecting purposes may be kept for a maximum of three (3) years from the end of the commercial relationship.

5.    Transfer of personal data abroad

GAC TECHNOLOGY informs the User that no transfer of personal data is currently taking place outside the EU. The processed data is hosted in France or in the European Economic Area.

In any case, GAC TECHNOLOGY undertakes to respect the legal provisions regarding the transfer of personal data abroad: any transmission of data outside the EU will be based on an adequacy decision, framed by standard contractual data protection clauses, or framed by ad hoc contractual clauses previously authorised by the CNIL.

6.    Security and privacy:

GAC TECHNOLOGY implements organisational, technical, software and physical digital security measures to protect personal data against alteration, destruction, and unauthorised access. However, it should be noted that the Internet is not a totally secure environment, as no technology is 100% reliable, and the Site cannot guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of information on the Internet.

All our employees and service providers are obliged to respect the security and protection of your data.

7.    Enforcement of Users’ rights

In accordance with the regulations applicable to personal data, Users have the following rights:

8.    Evolution of the Personal Data Protection Policy

GAC TECHNOLOGY reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. If a modification is made to this Privacy Policy, GAC TECHNOLOGY undertakes to publish the new version on its Website. GAC TECHNOLOGY will also inform the Users of the modification by e-mail at least fifteen (15) days before the effective date. If the User does not agree with the terms of the new drafting of the Privacy Policy, he/she has the possibility to ask GAC TECHNOLOGY to delete his/her personal data.

9.    Read more

To find out more about our Personal Data Protection Policy, you can contact GAC TECHNOLOGY at the following address: 26 rue de la Gare – 69009 LYON

Or via e-mail at:

10.  Cookies policy

Cookies are used to facilitate navigation on the sites and to streamline registration or audience measurement procedures. GAC TECHNOLOGY informs the User that cookies record certain information that is stored in the memory of the User’s computer. We use tracking technologies, including cookies, to tailor advertising to your needs and interests on our Sites.

When browsing the Site, a banner explaining the use of “cookies” will appear. The User will be able to accept or refuse the use of cookies.

Cookies on the Sites

GAC TECHNOLOGY uses cookies in order to offer content and a Service adapted to the User and to allow GAC TECHNOLOGY to carry out visit statistics, to record the data communicated and to optimise the navigation path.

Several types of cookies are present on the Site. These are cookies with the following purposes:

Cookies necessary for the operation of the Site:

These Cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and for navigation on the Site. They allow the User to access the main features of the Site. As a reminder, the setting of cookies is likely to modify the conditions of access to the Service requiring the use of cookies. If the browser is configured to refuse all cookies, the User will not be able to access the functionalities of the Site as he/she will not be able to remain authenticated. In order to allow him/her to give his/her consent in a clear and valid manner, the User has the possibility of making a choice by purpose.

For more information on the use, management, and deletion of “cookies”, for all types of browsers, please consult the following link: